Monday, November 30, 2015

All Lives Matter

All lives matter
Except for those you don't like.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those with skin that's non-white.

All lives matter
Except for those our military bombs overseas.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those in non-western countries.

All lives matter
Except for those who are poor.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those you deplore.

All lives matter
Except for those that disagree with you.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those you devalue.

All lives matter
Except for those who are not allies.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those you demonize.

All lives matter
Except for those who are not straight.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those you berate.

All lives matter
Except for those that must flee.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Except for those that are refugee.

All lives matter
Except for those with a different or no god.
Let's be honest. 
All lives matter
As long as they can be ruled with an iron rod.

All lives matter
Except for those tattered and torn.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Until they are born.

All lives matter
Yes, it's easy to say.
Let's be honest.
All lives matter
Is just a fucking cliche.

--Randal D. Anderson
November 30, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015


I worry about my wife,
And her daily battle with cancer.
I worry about my mother,
And her minute-by-minute struggle with Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris (PRP)
I worry about my oldest son,
His seizures, his learning disabilities, and if he'll ever have the skills to live independently.
I worry about my youngest son,
And if he is being damaged by the struggles we have at home.

I worry about my voice,
And if anyone will ever again hear how I truly sound.
I worry about my heart,
And how each time I get sick could mean my death.
I worry about my friends,
And the struggles they, too, must endure.
I worry about my students,
And the challenges they face trying to get an education.

I worry about my country,
And all the hatred and anger that is so prevalent.
I worry about politics,
And how the truth is whatever one wants it to be.
I worry about the Republican party,
And their espoused hatred toward everyone who is not a rich, straight white male.
Then I worry about all the women, and all the other males,
That continue to vote for them.

I worry about war,
And how so many die just so few can earn a profit.
I worry about terrorism,
And how that ideology can't be defeated by more violence.
I worry about the atrocities,
And how easy it is to motivate people to commit them.
I worry about humanity,
And how some people are more valued than others.

I worry about fear,
And how it is used to foster hatred.
I worry about extremists.
And the ideology they promote.
I worry about retaliation,
And the fear and ignorance that breeds it.
I worry about violence,
And the innocent caught in its wake.

I worry about women worldwide,
And how so many are treated as property.
I worry about children worldwide,
And the horrors so many have been forced to experience.
I worry about slavery,
And how widespread it is still used for sex and labor.
I worry about poverty,
And how so much of the world is in it.

I worry about inequality,
And how so much is owned and controlled by so few.
I worry about society,
And the way many want to keep the chasm of classes.
I worry about capitalism,
And how everything is about the all-mighty dollar.
I worry about socialism,
And how so many prefer societal inequality instead.

I worry about healthcare,
And how some think it is not an inalienable right.
I worry about water,
And how some think the same way.
I worry about the planet,
And the damage we humans have done to it.
I worry about facts,
And how if they don't fit one's opinion, then they can't be true.

I worry about science and mathematics,
And how so few people choose to understand them.
I worry about religion,
And how frequently it is misused and abused throughout the world.
I worry about persecution,
And how religion is used to justify horrors beyond imagination.
I worry about history,
And how some try to rewrite it for their own gain.

I worry about the future,
And the world my children will inherit.
I worry about death,
And how my oldest son will survive once I am gone. 
I worry about love,
And how so few ever find it.
I worry about life,
And wish everyone found all of it worth treasuring.

--Randal D. Anderson
November 15, 2015