Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Now That You're Gone

The world turns slower
Now that you’re gone,
The stars less brilliant than before.
The oceans still churn
Though not quite as strong,
And the moon leaves tears on the shore.

The forests seem bleak
Now that you’re gone,
The colors subdued and forlorn.
The plants still flourish
Though not quite as long,
And the animals cry and mourn.

Onward time goes
Despite that you’re gone,
A fact we’re unable to change.
But our hearts hold dear
Memories of you,
Memories we’ll always arrange.

Our lives move forward
Though you are gone,
Less complete without you it’s true.
You touched so many
In ninety-three years,
We’re better for just knowing you.

So we say goodbye
Now that you’re gone,
Your journey has come to the end.
In our hearts you’ll ride
With love and a song,
Our family; our ally; our friend.

--Randal D. Anderson
September 13, 2017